Landlord boiler services by Bradley’s Heating & Plumbing
Helping landlords make their properties energy efficient and compliant
To ensure the safety of tenants, since 1996 it has been a legal requirement for landlords to hold a CP12 Certificate for homes supplied with gas.
A yearly gas safety inspection ensures the gas appliances and flues in the landlords rental property are operating safely and up to current standards.
Bradley’s Heating & Plumbing pride ourselves on having many happy, returning customers who rely on us to keep their gas appliances safe.

Our landlords gas safety inspection includes;
- Check appliances and all pipe work for gas tightness
- Check burner pressure / gas rate against manufactures data plate
- Check for satisfactory ventilation
- Check standing and working pressure if test points are available
- Test flue flow to ensure removal of products of combustion
- Check satisfactory operation of all the flame failure devices
- Check for physical stability, presence and effectiveness of stability brackets (where appropriate)
- Produce written report (CP12) for Landlord and Tenant
We’re able to offer a discount when you combine a landlord gas safety check with a boiler service. Call or message us to make an appointment for your inspection and get your CP12 certificate today.
From boilers to bathrooms, we’ve got you covered
Our services
At Bradley’s Heating & Plumbing, we provide all aspects of plumbing and heating installation, servicing and repairs.
Have an emergency? As an OFTEC and Gas Safe registered company, we’re here for you what ever time of day or night, so why not take a look at what we provide directly to you.
Boiler installations,
servicing and repair
Smart heating controls
e.g. Hive and Nest
Gas appliance install,
servicing and repair
Magnetic system filter
and scale reduer install
Unvented hot water
Natural gas, oil
and LPG
Central heating install and maintenance
Radiators and TRV
install and repair
Carbon monoxide
detection install
Emergency gas
leak repairs
Complex system
fault finding
Bathroom install
and repairs
Central heating
pump replacements
Hot water cylinder replacements
24 hour
breakdown assistance
Working with brands you trust

what we do
Quality every step of the way
We meticulously plan each project we work on. From our initial meeting through to installation and support, our team follows a process that allows us to ensure quality is always at the forefront of what we do.
Our team
We love what we do, it’s that simple. With the combined team’s knowledge and experience we strive to provide you with exceptional quality work.

What our customers are saying
Josh at Bradley’s Heating & Plumbing was very efficient and equally very tidy. He did the work quickly, effectively and pricing was competitive. Overall, I was very pleased with his work and would highly recommend him!